About Drewbie's Insights

I daydream all the time and sometimes I develop ideas that I want to share. I hope you will find something beneficial to you!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Beach Solitude

Chorus of waves lapping water on the sandy shore
My heart sings with them

Wispy dune grass swaying with the wind
My heart sways with them

Bumblebees bouncing from golden flower to golden flower
My heart bounces with them

Seagulls beating their wings and soaring on winds to and fro
My heart soars with them

Leaves on the trees clapping in the gusty breeze
My heart claps with them

Stones on the sandy shore thrashed by the waves
Gliding rhythm up and down the grainy hill
Becoming rounded and smooth as they are washed
My heart is washed and rounded with them
Jagged edges being made smooth